Year 03 and 04 Curriculum
Explore What We Learn:
- Poetry Focus
- Acrostic poems including alliteration and personification
- Rhyming poems including descriptive language
- Fiction focus:
- ‘Bill’s New Frock’ by Anne Fine
- Focus on character description
- Use of similes
- Use of powerful verbs and adverbs
- Use of inverted commas to show direct speech
- Non-Fiction Focus: Persuasive Text
- Focus on emotive language
- Rhetorical questions
- Repetition for effect
- Direct address to the reader
- Use of statistics
- Use of a wider range of conjunctions
- Poetry Focus
- Classic poetry based on William Blake’s ‘The Tyger’
- Similes
- Powerful adjectives
- Powerful verbs
- Questions
- Direct address to the reader
- Author focus: Roald Dahl
- Description of fantasy settings
- Use of prepositional phrases
- Use of powerful verbs and adjectives
- Showing character’s reactions to a setting
- Adding surprising details to a setting description
- Using commas accurately for lists and to mark clauses
- Non-fiction focus:
- Information texts about volcanoes and earthquakes
- Use of interesting subheadings to organise information
- Use of figurative language such as alliteration and personification to grab the attention of the reader
- Use of subject-specific language
- Complex sentences to explain
- Poetry Focus
- ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou
- Poetry which focusses on overcoming adversity
- ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker
- Focus on ambitious vocabulary to create detailed descriptions
- Use of fronted adverbials to vary sentence structures
- Use of commas after fronted adverbials
- Use of inverted commas to show direct speech
- Use of powerful verbs and adverbs to ‘show not tell’ how a character is feeling
- Class Read:
- ‘Charlotte’s Web’by EB White
- Non-fiction focus:
- Explanation text ‘A Journey Into The Wonderful World of Your Microbiome’ by Katie Brosnan
- Students will write their own explanation text about the digestive system
- Use of causal conjunctions
- Use of precise verbs and technical vocabulary
- Use of subheadings
- Use of figurative language such as metaphors to help explain the process
- Place Value
- Read and write numbers up to 10,000
- Compare and order numbers up to 10,000
- Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000
- Find 1, 10 and 100 more or less
- The Four Operations
- Add and subtract two 3-digit numbers with and without exchanging
- Add and subtract two 4-digit numbers with and without exchanging
- Multiply and divide by 3, 6, 10 and 100
- Multiply and divide by 7 and 9
- Learn facts for the 11 and 12 times tables
- Multiplying 3 numbers
- Finding factor pairs
- Using efficient methods of multiplication
- Multiplication and Division
- Finding and using factor pairs
- Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100
- Multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number
- Dividing 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number
- Length and Perimeter
- Comparing lengths
- Finding equivalent lengths (mm and cm, cm and m, m and km)
- Adding and subtracting lengths
- Finding the perimeter of rectangles
- Finding the perimeter of regular polygons
- Fractions
- Understanding the whole
- Partitioning a mixed number
- Comparing and ordering mixed numbers
- Understanding improper fractions
- Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers
- Finding equivalent fractions
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- Subtracting from whole amounts and mixed numbers
- Fractions, Decimals and Money
- Finding fractions of amounts
- Tenths and hundredths as fractions and decimals
- Dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10
- Converting between pence and pounds
- Adding and subtracting amounts of money
- Solving reasoning problems involving money
- Time
- Years, months, weeks and days
- Calculating durations of time
- Converting between hours and minutes
- Converting between analogue and digital time
- Solving problems relating to time
- Shape
- Identifying angles
- Comparing and ordering angles
- Finding parallel and perpendicular lines
- Recognising, describing and drawing 2D and 3D shapes
- Identifying lines of symmetry
- Identifying triangles and quadrilaterals
- Statistics
- Interpret and draw pictograms
- Interpret and draw bar charts
- Interpret and draw line graphs
- Electricity
- Describe how to work safely with electricity
- Identify metals that are good conductors
- Recognise and describe common insulators
- Create a simple electrical circuit, naming the components
- Describe what will happen if a circuit is not complete
- Identify common appliances that run on electricity
- Sound
- Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating.
- Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear.
- Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it.
- Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
- Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.
- States of Matter
- Use of the terms evaporation and condensation to describe the water cycle
- Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle
- Associate the rate of evaporation with temperature
- Measure or research the temperature at which things changed when heated or cooled in degrees Celsius (°C)
- Group materials by whether they are a solid, liquid or gas
- Compare and describe solids, gases and liquids
- Animals and Plants in the Local Environment
- Construct and interpret a food web
- Identify producers and predators in a food web
- Research and describe the negative human effects on a local environment
- Research and describe the positive human effects on a local environment
- Recognise that environments change over time
- Use classification keys to identify living things in my local environment
- Design and Technology
- In Design and Technology, the children will be designing a badge using textiles and an electrical component.
- Art
- Students will explore the layering and detail of Henri Rousseau’s rainforest art.
- Students will create their own art work, using techniques to create shading with pastels.
- Design and Technology
- Students will be designing and making a bug hotel to attract wildlife to our school grounds.
- Students will also be learning about seasonable fruits and vegetables and how they can be used to create a healthy recipe.
- History
- To carry out a local history study focusing on the impact of the industrial revolution on the local area.
- Geography
- Human geography, including: economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals, and water.
- History
- Study of the Maya civilisation, researching the legacy of the Maya, locating where they started their settlement and the key aspects of their communities.
- Geography
- Human geography, including: describing and understanding key aspects of biomes, earthquakes and volcanoes.
- Locating world’s countries, using maps to focus on South America, concentrating on the environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities.
- Geography
- To identify the key features of a local area.
- To carry out litter surveys.
- To carry out Quadrat sampling of litter, flora, and fauna.
- To consider how humans have an impact on a local environment.
- To understand computer networks including the Internet
- To explain how digital devices function
- To explore how digital devices can be connected
- To recognise the physical components of a network
- To create media stop-frame animation
- To relate animation with a sequence of images
- To plan an animation
- To review and improve my animation
- Sound and Databases
- To explore a new programming environment
- To sequence and combine sounds in a program
- To build a sequence of commands to change the appearance of a sprite
- To create a project from a task description
- To create branching databases
- To explain why it is useful for a database to be well structured
- To independently create an identification tool
- Branching databases:
- Creating closed questions for a branching database
- Identifying ways to group data
- Planning the structure of a branching database
- Creating an identification tool independently
- Creating media:
- Recognising how text and images convey meaning
- Recognising that text and layout can be edited
- Choosing appropriate page settings
- Considering how different layouts can suit different purposes
- Identifying the benefits of desktop publishing
- Being Me in My World
- Becoming a Class ‘Team’
- Being a School Citizen
- Rights, Responsibilities and Democracy
- Rewards and Consequences
- Our Learning Charter
- Celebrating Difference
- Judging by Appearances
- Understanding Influences
- Understanding Bullying
- Problem-solving
- Special Me
- Dreams and Goals
- Identify dreams and goals
- Overcoming disappointment
- How to help self and others with disappointment
- Resilience
- How to work as part of a group
- Evaluate and celebrate achievements
- Healthy Me
- Friendship groups
- Group dynamics
- Peer pressure
- Inner strength and assertiveness
- Healthy Me
- Friendship groups and group dynamics
- Smoking and alcohol
- Peer pressure
- Inner strength and assertiveness
- Relationships
- Love and loss
- Memories
- Special Pets
- Accepting changes
- Expressing Joy
- Be able to understand the difference between happiness and spiritual joy
- Explore spiritual joy known by Hindus at Diwali
- Understand how Hindus express joy through the Diwali celebrations
- Being Thankful
- Consider God’s role as creator and provider
- Understand how celebrating Harvest Festival can meet the needs of people today
- Explore the concept of parents as a gift from Allah (God)
- Being Reflective and Self-Critical
- Encourage the children to consider the essence of a ‘perfect’ life
- Story – Siddhartha
- Explore how Buddha helped his followers to change
- Experience the practice of meditation
- Being Curious and Valuing Knowledge
- Beginning to think about the process of gaining knowledge
- Discussion with children understanding that Christians use the Bible to find answers about God and the meaning of life
- Introduce the concept of there being a number of religious traditions each with their own holy book
- Being Modest and Listening to Others
- Why should we listen to others?
- How do Christians demonstrate that Jesus’ words matter?
- How do Muslims show that Prophet Mohammed’s words matter?
- Cultivating Inclusion, Identity and Belonging
- How do you know you belong?
- How do Sikhs show they belong?
- How do Muslims show they belong to their Religious Tradition?
- Being Merciful and Forgiving
- How big is your love?
- What does the Bible teach about forgiveness?
- Being Regardful of Suffering
- What hurts you?
- How do Religious Traditions respond to the suffering of others?
- What hurts God? How does God respond to human suffering?
- Living by Rules
- What rules does Judaism say are important?
- What rules does Christianity say are important?
- What rules has God made?
- Being Temperate
- What influences your behaviour?
- How did God influence the life of John Newton /Gandhi?
- How does faith affect your behaviour?
- Being Imaginative
- What do you see in your mind?
- What can we learn about God from creation?
- What can we learn about God through creation stories?
Curriculum Overview:
Students are ... insert text here.
Students have two PE lessons each week. On days that students have PE they should arrive at school in their school uniform with their PE kits in a bag, that they can change in too.
Students also have one Music and one French lesson each week.
Each week students are given either a piece of Maths or Literacy homework and a task to complete towards their end of term project.
Please continue to use Mathletics, Bug Club, Times Table Rockstars and Nessy at home.
Students will also be given weekly spellings to learn and are expected to read at least five times a week.
Homework is set every Friday.
Reading books are changed on Fridays.