Core PE
- ‘On the Attack’ Basketball/Netball
- ‘Wide Attack’ Football
- Team Indoor Athletics Festival
- Target Table Tennis ‘game’
- Create and Perform a sequence
- Rackets Game Plan
- Pairs Play Cricket
- Scenario Challenges
- Team Running Decathlon
- Create a new ‘Olympic Sport’
- Organise Table Tennis Competition
- Court Shape Tennis
- Target Runs Cricket
- Participate in various team roles
- Comment and plan ways to improve
- Designing group exercise routine
- Independent exercise plans / target setting
- Participate in various team roles
- Comment and plan ways to improve the festival
- Practice working with a team
- Improve techniques related to each sport
- Practice working with a team
- Improve techniques related to each sport
- Practice working with a team
- Improve techniques related to each sport
Students in Year 11 pick their own sports to participate in as well as delivering activities for the chosen sport.
Subject Overview:
We are committed to fostering students’ skills in 5 main areas, equipping all to succeed in their physical and educational journey:
- Healthy - choosing healthy behaviours and attitudes
- Physical - development of physical competence and movements of the body
- Social – developing teamwork, cooperation and responsibility
- Thinking – development of decision making, knowledge and understanding
- Personal – developing emotions, behaviours, attitudes and motivation
Students have 2 core PE lessons each week.
Students have no official homework set for PE however students are encouraged to partake in extra-curricular sporting activities.
Students are given an assessment at the end of each unit and a summative assessment at the end of each term based on core PE Tasks.